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Best Internet BusinessAn legit online business can be profitable and generate legal tax deductionsThe best Internet business is an online home business you can do in the most simple way, that generates profits and provides you with legitimate tax writeoffs. Go with a proven web business model. Starting an online home business is both exciting and financially intelligent. It is exciting because the Internet levels the playing field. If you possess a little savvy, you can target a small niche market and make very good money. It is financially intelligent for the two main reasons I bring up in other posts on my site: One: Your profits are tied directly to YOU. Your insight, your long-term vision, and your work ethic determine your profit potential. It can be sky-high if you are the type of person who will do the needed research each day, and continually create original content. Two: The tax deductions for a home business will easily allow you to keep $3000 - $6000 dollars MORE of your own money that would have gone to fat politicians to spend any way they choose. Starting a web business is not without risk, though. A cursory glance at search engine results will show you hundreds of sites wanting to show you the "secret" to online wealth creation. Their main secret is...they make a lot of money by packaging worthless information in a fancy wrapper. The best Internet business is one you can easily learn and build on![]() * EVERY home business has a learning curve and starting one online is no exception. You want to find a model that focuses on the correct criteria for starting a web business that will continue to grow year-after-year. * The idea that you can "throw up a couple of web pages and make money in your underwear" has caused more frustration and online failures than another myth in the 21st Century. It is NOT reality. You definitely have to learn how to start an online business. It does NOT happen by magic. * You have to spend money to make money. Do your research for a program with a proven track record that will give you the most bang for your start up costs. (Yes, there are guys who claim they make a bundle by using a free blog, but I truly doubt some of those amazing stories.) * A legit work from home business model will focus on the long-term GROWTH OF THE BUSINESS...not short-term, get-rich-quick, profits. * The best Internet business for you will be one that is tied to an interest you are passionate about, and can learn how to monetize its potential. I run this online travel business because I like going to different Florida beaches to read, take photos, and nap. I like going out to eat at different beach bars. It is fun, it is relaxing, and it makes me money. * It is best to start a web business with a proven program. Thousands of us have gone with SiteSell/SiteBuildIt! because of the ease in creating quality content targeted to the most profitable keywords, and because we don't really need to know HTML or CSS to build a page from scratch. The best Internet business should be uncomplicated so you can follow your passion![]() * SiteSell/Solo Build It! provides you with a variety of point-and-click tools, as well as templates, to help you generate pages quickly and fully optimized for the search engines. * One of the best automated functions of Solo Build It! is the array of tools available to help you choose a niche, or even a keyword that is not oversaturated with competition or has extremely low demand. * A proven program will have legitimate case studies where you can view ACTUAL websites that are making substantial profit. * SiteSell/Solo Build It! provides unlimited and quick customer service. It also has a private discussion Forum that is strictly moderated where 1000's of us share tips and get helpful answers to questions ranging from SEO to monetizing with Google Adsense. * SiteSell/Solo Build It! makes NO guarantee of outrageous profits. This is NOT a "get-rich-quick" enterprise. What it does is...provides you with the guidance, tools, and specific coaching points to help you stay focused on building the BEST INTERNET BUSINESS possible. I found SBI! way back in 2002, but thought I could do it more cheaply and better on my own. I was wrong...and ended up spending a couple $1000 dollars more than I needed. I'm glad I remembered it and returned. My profits have increased monthly. I want to earn $100/day. If you still have questions, you can submit them with the SBI! question form and get an answer from a real Solo Build It! owner.